Preschool Beyond Walls: Integrating nature into the preschool classroom

This recorded edWebinar helps early childhood providers, no matter their situation, consider the principles fundamental to a nature-based approach and integrate those principles into teaching practice. These high-quality nature-based early childhood education (NbECE) practices don’t happen overnight, but rather occur through daily programmatic and teaching decisions. 

Using a continuum of NbECE as the overarching framework, Dr. Rachel Larimore provides concrete ways to better integrate nature into your program structure, physical environment (inside and outside), and teacher-child interactions. Viewers will leave the edWebinar with tangible ideas that can be implemented the next day as well as some ideas that can be worked toward into the future. This recorded presentation will be of interest to preK-3 teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders.


This webinar is located on the edWebinar website. Click here to listen now!


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